Sarah Jane Cion
at the Watercolor Café, Larchmont, NYC, 2007-10-06
Incognito concert in Estoril, Portugal, 2007-07-19
Vilar de Mouros Festival
Portuguese Wodstock, held in 1971
Meeting António Garcez
Meeting António Garcez, NYC, 2011
Lena d'Água & Phil Mendrix
A great Rock show on April 7, 2012
Booster Rock at FNAC, Cascais
A great short rock show by an emerging Portuguese band on April 14th, 2012
Dr. Feelgood at Santiago Alquimista
A splendid classical Pub-Rock act in central Lisbon on April 24th, 2012
Trabalhadores do Comércio - Electro Cordel in República da Música, Lisbon
Held on June 30, 2012
Viralata - Presentation of the album Vai Buscar
With Sicksin and Gazua as opening acts, in Ritz Clube downtown Lisbon on August 31, 2012
Presentation of the Bookstage book
Backstages of Portuguese Rock, October 27 2012.
UHF in Cascais
A showcase held at Cascais Shopping FNAC, November 30, 2012, very concert-like
Divino Sospiro & Voces Caelestes
A concert held in Estoril, Portugal on January 6th, 2013.
Anarchicks, presentation of the Really CD
Cascais Fnac, February 28, 2013.
Booster Rock 5th anniversary
Cinema São Jorge, Lisbon, March 30, 2013.
Patricia Barber
At Cine-Teatro de Torres Vedras, Portugal, May 3, 2013.
UHF at the CCB, Lisbon
UHF live at the CCB in Lisbon on December 7, 2013
João Barreto's anniversary
Pontinha, December 23rd, 2013
Kika Santos at Clube Ferroviário
Kika Santos at Clube Ferroviário, Lisbon, June 26 2014
Ao correr das músicas 1 with Ivan Lins
Museu da Música, Lisbon, July 8, 2014
Célia Lawson live
At Tokyo, Lisboa, July 11, 2014
Booster Rock live
At Festa do Avante in Seixal, 2014-09-06
Party at Cascais Jazz Club
Cascais, 2014-10-18
Ex-Votos and Booster Rock at the Paradise Garage
Lisbon, 2014-10-25
Arte e Ofício at Casa da Música
Porto, 2014-10-30
Phil Mendrix Quintet at Cine Incrível
Almada, 2014-12-12
Marta Hugon at Olga Cadaval
Sintra, 2015-01-24
Rolanda Semedo and duo Corcova
Cascais, 2016-03-26
Corcova Música Open Day
Cascais, 2016-04-23
Big Rolling Wheel at Cascais Fnac
Cascais, 2016-04-22
60's Pop-Rock Gala
Cartaxo, 2016-05-07
Carla Ribeiro live at Piano & Co.
Estoril, 2016-05-13
LedOn live at Cine Incrível
Almada, 2016-05-28
Funk Machine live at Barzinho, Ribamar
Ericeira, 2016-08-20
MA Belle live at Tokyo
Lisbon, 2016-09-10
Ciro Cruz quartet live at Barzinho, Ribamar
Ericeira, 2016-10-15
Rogério Charraz live at Fnac Cascais
Cascais, 2016-11-19
Naná Sousa Dias, André Sarbib and Carlos Antunes
live at Barzinho, Ribamar, Ericeira, 2016-11-25
T. Perry and the Bombers
live at Hennessy\'s, Lisbon, 2017-03-31
Hommage to Ekos
Cartaxo, 2017-10-04
Carlos Araújo, Luís Ruvina, Manuel Santiesteban live at Cascais Jazz Club
Cascais, 2018-03-03
60's Pop-Rock Gala
Cartaxo, 2018-05-19
Lucky Duckies and Nanã Sousa Dias live in Mafra
Mafra, 2018-07-14
Hommmage to Filipe Mendes
Cartaxo, 2018-12-08
Bandida - Marta Dias and Carlos Xavier live
Mafra, 2019-02-09
Nanã Sousa Dias, André Sarbib and Carlos Antunes live at Adega do Vale da Capucha
Carvalhal, 2019-09-29
Tortuga Voodoo live at Set de Copos
Malveira, 2019-10-31
Basic guitar setup
How to do a basic guitar setup
Ferro e Fogo live in Adão Lobo
Cadaval, 2022-06-11
Hommage to timeless musicians
Cartaxo, 2022-11-12